in this letter. Fonts (or type styles) also come in different sizes which are called points. Points is the way in which printers (humans, not the machine) (BC or before personal computers) would calculate how large the type would be or how much space would be taken up by a certain type face. Sometimes the point size is indicated under the fonts menu; sometimes under a different menu classification called STYLE or Font Size. (Figure 2) If the point size is outlined (as this, 12), then it is available to you for a particular font. If the point size is not outlined (as this, 12), it is not available to you. In other words, the size of the font that you want to use as well as the font itself must be in the System file. If the correct size is not in the System, the font will look very strange. Example, Times in 12 point, Times in 10 point.
In addition to the size of the font, you can also select different styles. These are selected again under menu items that read FONT or STYLE. Style means that you can boldface, italicize, underline, oultline, shadow etc. various letters,words, paragraphs, etc. It is also possible to combine variious styles, as bold, italic . DA stands for Desk Accessory. DA's are small (usually --- some are getting quite large now) applications that you can use along with another open application. For example, right now I am using the application Word. If I want to calculate something, I can open the desk accessory
Calculator while still leaving Word open, do my calculations